Ilustrasi jamaah haji asal Aceh.

Jamaah Haji Aceh Berharap Dapat Kemudahan Ketika di Tanah Suci

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) Aceh menyebut jamaah haji Aceh dalam kelompok terbang (kloter) perdana akan berangkat ke Tanah Suci pada 29 Mei 2024, yang masuk dalam pemberangkatan gelombang kedua, sedangkan gelombang pertama berangkat pada 12 Mei. Kepala Kanwil Kemenag Aceh Azhari, Kamis, mengatakan jamaah haji asal Tanah Rencong nantinya akan berangkat menuju Mekkah melalui Bandar Udara Sultan Iskandar...

Hajj officers from the Special Sector, register potential pilgrims who are lost in the Nabawi Mosque, before they are escorted to the place of lodging. (Republika/Amin Madani)

Hajj Satisfaction Index 2024 to Reach 95 Percent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Inspector General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) Faisal Ali Hashim targets the satisfaction index of Hajj worshippers at the 2024 Hajj service could reach 95 percent. He also hopes that the Hajj officers who will serve in Saudi Arabia can provide the best service for Indonesian pilgrims. “We hope to be...