Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 12:11 WIB
Police name Ahok as suspect in religious blasphemy case

Rabu , 16 Nov 2016, 00:10 WIB
Will Ahok be free from religious blasphemy allegation?
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 22:25 WIB
Din Syamsuddin: Public will monitor open case screening
Senin , 14 Nov 2016, 20:44 WIB
Ahok asks Egypt's Syeikh Amr Wardani to be expert witness
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:31 WIB
Police question 25 people over riot at the night of November 4th
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:02 WIB
President orders Ahok's religious blasphemy case exposed to public
Ahad , 06 Nov 2016, 00:00 WIB
Buni Yani potential to be suspect: Police said
Jumat , 04 Nov 2016, 03:29 WIB