Rabu , 13 Apr 2016, 16:59 WIB
Rape in war must be tackled as seriously as genocide

Jumat , 11 Mar 2016, 19:06 WIB
U.N. accuses South Sudan forces of campaign of rape and killing

Kamis , 13 Mar 2014, 20:43 WIB
Court upholds Delhi rapists' death sentences

Jumat , 21 Feb 2014, 03:31 WIB
Libya to compensate women raped during 2011 uprising

Kamis , 10 Jan 2013, 11:04 WIB
Hati-hati, Orang Terdekat Bisa Jadi Pelaku Pemerkosaan

Kamis , 10 Jan 2013, 10:46 WIB
Anak-anak Jadi Korban Pemerkosaan di AS

Sabtu , 29 Dec 2012, 22:40 WIB
Death of India rape victim stirs anger

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 22:00 WIB
Indonesia sends two diplomatic notes to Malaysia

Selasa , 13 Nov 2012, 21:06 WIB
Some stage a protest in front of Malaysian embassy

Senin , 12 Nov 2012, 21:27 WIB
Malaysia makes a special team to investigate the rape
Senin , 12 Nov 2012, 20:12 WIB