A ticket counter of Merpati Nusantara Airlines in jakarta (illustration)

Sabtu , 13 Jul 2013, 02:05 WIB

Govt to sell Merpati Airlines in two months

A user communicates using Kakao Talk installed to her smart phone. An Indonesian becomes the 99,999,999th user of the application. (illustration)

Sabtu , 13 Jul 2013, 00:01 WIB

KakaoTalk users reach 100 million people

A teenager surfs the internet on his laptop. (file photo)

Ahad , 16 Jun 2013, 21:55 WIB

Minister: Indonesia attacked by Chinese hackers

  Petugas bersiap melayani pelanggan di kantor pelayanan Telkom Pusat, Jakarta.

Sabtu , 20 Apr 2013, 23:50 WIB

Telkom to expand its business to five countries

A service counter of PT Telkom Indonesia (illustration)

Jumat , 12 Apr 2013, 18:18 WIB

Myanmar 'eliminates' Telkom from its list

Minister of Depence Purnomo Yusgiantoro (left) meets Minister of Communications and Informatics Tifatul Sembiring in Jakarta on March 2.

Selasa , 02 Apr 2013, 22:57 WIB

Ministry of defence to build cyber defense system

Telkom hosts Indipreneur Fest 2013 in Jakarta, Monday. The state owned company plans to expand its business to ten countries.

Senin , 11 Feb 2013, 21:40 WIB

Telkom to expand to ten countries

Antenna tower of PT Telkom in Banca Aceh (illustration)

Kamis , 29 Nov 2012, 20:45 WIB

Telkom to launch a new satellite

Telecommunication to develop Indonesia's outer islands

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Minister for Accelerated Development of Disadvantaged Region, Helmy Faishal Zaini, targets the network of telecommunication in outer islands and disadvantaged regions in Indonesia will be finished in 2012. “We must encourage cooperation with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to ensure the network in outer islands to be finished this year," Zaini said on Monday. The ministry records...