Senin 06 Jan 2014 07:23 WIB

Transforming Mosque into a 'Center of Excellence' (4)

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Bantun Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta
Foto: ist
Bantun Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Parni Hadi (Board of Trustees Dompet Dhuafa)

Health centers and training

Economically poor people can certainly poor in health, due to lack of nutrition and do not have enough money to maintain health. Therefore, in conjunction with economic empowerment, empowerment in health is very necessary. This can be done by setting up a health care center around the mosque to provide counseling and services for free or at minimal cost, if there is no nearby health center (Puskesmas).

If it's impossible, a poskesling (non-permanent health posts) could be set up. Medical personnel were from among the congregation who work in the medical field (doctors, midwives and nurses), the drug would be gained from a rich congregation donations, co-payment or from outside assistance.

Poor people in poor health will be poor in education, due to fragile health and non-affordability to buy books and school supplies and other learning materials. Therefore, a mosque as a place of assembly and congregation or gathering with a variety of professions and potential, could be mobilized to establish a school or skills training center. Teacher or coach, preferably are from among the congregation itself and or professional personnel, both volunterily and paid personnel's.

The teaching lesson will be tough, not just to recite the Qur'an and the Hadith which is generally held, but skills for life sciences. Expertise in cooking, sewing, salons and other skills are often more important to open their own business or work for someone else. Establishment of the center of popular economic movement, health care centers and training skills to live with mutual aid system among congregation will strengthen faith, friendship and simultaneously empower anyone who in need.

How wonderful, if the congregation were asked; where would they find capital, health treatment and computers skills and Chinese language, for example, for its  easy ways, good quality and cheap (or free), their answer will be in brief: to the mosque!

Gradually economic institutions, health services and environmental education in the mosque can be certainly developed and upgraded, so that transforming mosque in to a "center of excellence" will not be such impossible.


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