
Coalition ends Yemen air strikes

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RIYADH -- A Saudi-led coalition declared an end Tuesday to four weeks of air strikes in Yemen, saying the threat of Iran-backed rebels there had been removed and that operations are entering a political phase.However, it left open the option of resuming strikes if the movements of the Houthi Shiite rebels warrant it, while adding that a naval...


Ahad , 19 Apr 2015, 19:16 WIB

Norwegian journalist arrested in Yemen

Jusuf Kalla

Kamis , 16 Apr 2015, 19:42 WIB

VP calls for dialog to end conflict in Yemen


Kamis , 16 Apr 2015, 17:15 WIB

UN peace envoy to Yemen resigns


Kamis , 16 Apr 2015, 09:34 WIB

Turkey support arms embargo againts Houthis


Rabu , 15 Apr 2015, 12:14 WIB

US drone kills AQAP leader in Yemen

Khaled Bahah

Selasa , 14 Apr 2015, 12:00 WIB

Yemen's premier sworn in as VP in exile

Yemen conflicts

Ahad , 12 Apr 2015, 17:34 WIB

450 Indonesian citizens to arrive from Yemen

Bendera Pakistan

Pakistan opts for neutral stance in Yemen conflict

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan's parliament has suggested to the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to stay away from the Arab countries' war in Yemen. A unanimously passed resolution on Friday has now put an end to apprehensions of opposition leaders who were concerned that the country may jump into an Arab conflict.The 12-point resolution, jointly drafted by the...

Hassan Rouhani

Kamis , 09 Apr 2015, 16:06 WIB

Rouhani calls for halt to Yemen air strikes

Kelompok Houthi yang saat ini menguasai Yaman.

Kamis , 09 Apr 2015, 16:02 WIB

3 killed in Saudi-led airstrikes on Houthi

Arrmanatha Nasir

Rabu , 08 Apr 2015, 17:16 WIB

Another 71 Indonesians evacuated from Yemen


Selasa , 07 Apr 2015, 16:28 WIB

China adds voice to call for Yemen ceasefire


Selasa , 07 Apr 2015, 12:33 WIB

Jordan evacuates almost 300 nationals from Yemen

Menteri Luar Negeri Retno LP Marsudi (kiri) berbincang dengan sejumlah warga negara Indonesia yang kembali dari Yaman setibanya di Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang, Banten, Minggu (5/4).

Selasa , 07 Apr 2015, 12:00 WIB

89 Indonesians still in Aden: Minister


Senin , 06 Apr 2015, 09:36 WIB

110 Indonesian citizens evacuated from Yemen