Innalillahi, Economist Faisal Basri Passes Away

Faisal Basri bin Hasan Basri Batubara dies at 65 years of age.

Republika/Thoudy Badai
Indef senior economist Faisal Basri.
Red: Budi Raharjo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indef senior economist, Faisal Basri Batubara reportedly passed away at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday (5/9/2024) in the early morning hours of WIB. In a message received by from the family, Faisal Basri bin Hasan Basri Batubara passed away at the age of 65.

Baca Juga

“Please pray that Rahimahullah will be given the best place in heaven, will be forgiven of all his faults, his grave will be laid, his charity will be received, and the abandoned families will be given patience and respect,” the family said in a statement.

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According to, Faisal was one of the founders of the organization Majelis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), which later became the National Amanat Party (PAN). Faisal had served as secretary general of the PAN DPP in tandem with Amien Rais, who became a member of the PAN at the beginning of the reformation


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