15 Halal Products of RI Became the Largest in the OIC Countries

Tourism sector ranks first in Global Muslim Travel Index

Sutan Emir Hidayat Director of KNEKS Education and Research.
Red: Budi Raharjo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Director of Sharia Ecosystem Infrastructure of the National Committee for Sharia Economy and Finance (KNEKS) Sutan Emir Hidayat said that as many as 15 of the 30 largest halal producers in the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are from Indonesia.

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“From the real sector we can see real, of the 30 largest halal producers in the OIC countries, the 15 largest halal producers are companies from Indonesia, one of them cosmetics,” said Sutan Emir Hidayat in the Media Briefing Road to KNEKS 2024 Plenary Meeting.

In a media briefing that followed via Instagram Live @kneks .id broadcast in Jakarta on Wednesday, he said that not only the manufacturing sector. He explained that Indonesia's tourism sector is now also ranked first in the Global Muslim Travel Index in 2023 and 2024.

In addition, Indonesia was ranked third in the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2023. According to him, this is a very good achievement, considering that in previous years Indonesia did not even rank in the top 10.

“Thank God Indonesia has been able to improve its ranking on a global level in the last 5 or 6 years. It used to be about 6 years ago that it was still outside the top 10, now thank God we are already in third place,” Sutan said.

He said that the economic and financial value of sharia at the global level continues to grow with the total consumption of the global Muslim community for halal products recorded at about Rp 2.29 trillion US dollars (Rp34,830.9 trillion, exchange rate on Wednesday (2/10) = IDR 15,210).



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