Senin 06 Apr 2020 11:10 WIB

Putra Tom Hanks Sulap Saputangan Jadi Masker

Putra Tom Hanks membagikan tutorial membuat masker dari saputangan.

Rep: Shelbi Asrianti/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Aktor Colin Hanks dan ayah ibunya, yakni Tom Hanks, dan Rita Wilson. Lewat akun Instagram-nya, Colin membagikan tutorial cara membuat masker dari saputangan.
Foto: Instagram @colinhanks
Aktor Colin Hanks dan ayah ibunya, yakni Tom Hanks, dan Rita Wilson. Lewat akun Instagram-nya, Colin membagikan tutorial cara membuat masker dari saputangan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LOS ANGELES -- Aktor Colin Hanks punya cara sendiri menghadapai pandemi Covid-19. Putra dari pemeran kawakan Tom Hanks itu membagikan tutorial mengubah saputangan menjadi masker penutup wajah untuk pemakaian sehari-hari.

"Inilah cara mengubah saputangan menjadi masker wajah. Jangan lupa untuk memasukkan saputanganmu ke mesin cuci sesudahnya," tulisnya pada unggahan di akun Instagram @colinhanks, dikutip dari laman Fox News.

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Deretan foto yang Colin unggah menjelaskan langkah-langkah mudah melipat dan mengikat saputangan sehingga bisa difungsikan sebagai masker wajah. Warganet bisa pula memodifikasi scarf atau bandana yang dimiliki di rumah.

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How to turn your kerchief into a face mask. Don’t forget to put you kerchief in the washing machine afterwards!

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Colin mengikuti jejak ayahnya menjadi aktor, salah satunya membintangi film Jumanji: The Next Level. Pria 42 tahun itu juga memiliki bisnis penjualan daring saputangan bermotif, yang dia beri nama Hanks Kerchiefs.

Setelah sang ayah dan ibu sembuh dari infeksi virus corona, Colin mengumumkan kepada warganet bahwa perusahaannya bergabung dengan tujuh jenama lain untuk mengadakan undian daring. Acara bertajuk "Bandana Rama Online Raffle" itu mengajak publik untuk menyumbang mulai dari lima dolar AS.

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So I have been experimenting a bit with the kerchiefs as face masks, and thanks to some helpful suggestions, I have a few updates. First, as some of you may have noticed, once you put the elastic ties around your ears, they tend to push your ears forward a bit. This can be fixed by adjusting the ties a little further away from the center. An added bonus is that cuts down on the amount of fabric at the end that gets folded towards the center. Second, and perhaps most helpful, was something suggested by a nurse. As I was wearing my mask today I noticed my ears started to get sore after a while due to the nature of the elastic ties being a bit think and pulling on my ears. So, I took some string and cut two 10 inch pieces, tied them off, and used those instead of the elastic ties and found this to be MUCH more comfortable and wearable for longer amounts of time. Really recommend this. I cannot remember who made the suggestion but it really helps Also, the reason I chose this particular folding method, was that you could adjust the folds in the front of the mask to help cover your face a bit more. However, I have read that once you are out, you should not touch the front of your mask. So be sure to try and get it as comfortable as possible before putting on gloves and heading out. And finally, wash your kerchiefs! Don’t forget to add it to the wash at the end of day. I included the same instructions from the other day in this post, so swipe for step by step instructions. And of course, feel free to pass along. Hope this helps. Stay safe everybody!!!

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Kemudian, warganet yang beruntung akan mendapat produk Hanks Kerchiefs, serta barang-barang lain, termasuk bandana, topi, jaket, dan ransel. Uang yang terkumpul akan didonasikan ke lembaga respons Covid-19 di bawah naungan Feeding America.

Organisasi Feeding America memiliki jaringan nasional yang menyediakan lebih dari 200 bank makanan untuk membantu mengatasi kelaparan domestik. Donasi yang dihimpun mendukung bank makanan yang sangat vital di tengah krisis kesehatan global.

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