Jumat 10 Nov 2023 13:38 WIB

Israeli Attacks Indonesian Hospital Surrounding Without Warning

Attack on Indonesian Hospital kills civilians and causes many injuries.

Rep: Kamran Dikarma/ Red: Fitriyan Zamzami
Chairman of the Presidium of MER-C Indonesia Dr. Sarbini Abdul Murad
Foto: Republika/ Zahrotul Oktaviani
Chairman of the Presidium of MER-C Indonesia Dr. Sarbini Abdul Murad

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Chairman of the Presidium Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) Sarbini Abdul Murad confirmed a series of air strikes near the Indonesian Hospital (RS) in Bait Lahiya, Gaza Strip, on Thursday (9/11/2023) evening. He said the attack was launched by Israel without warning.

“Last night's attack was very close to the Indonesian hospital, but not a direct attack on the main building. The ceiling of the hospital is collapsing,” Sarbini told Republika.co.id when it was confirmed about the Israeli air strike on the Indonesian hospital on Friday (10/11/2023).

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According to the Palestinian news agency, WAFA, the attack on the Indonesian hospital killed a number of civilians and caused many injuries. Sarbini confirmed the report, but could not give an exact figure.

“There must be a lot of victims. The people (of Gaza) have been dumbfounded in the Indonesian hospital. It is estimated that 15 thousand people are blind in the Indonesian hospital and in the surroundings outside the Indonesian hospital,” he said.