Sabtu 09 Dec 2023 12:47 WIB

The Boycott Movement for Products Supporting Israel Can Last

The boycott movement is respond towards corporate that supports Israel.

Rep: Andrian Saputra/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Boycott of Israeli and pro-Israel products
Foto: DBS
Boycott of Israeli and pro-Israel products

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Shares of companies supporting Israel continue to decline as a result of the boycott movement carried out by the community. Chairman of Ikatan Dai Indonesia (Ikadi) Ahmad Kusyairi said the boycott movement against products affiliated with Zionist Israel or directly aiding Israel is a manifestation of the prohibition of aiding in sin and hostility.

Kusyairi hopes that the boycott movement against the products of companies that support Israel has a significant negative effect on the Israeli economy so as to stop its brutal attacks. On the other hand, he hopes the boycott movement can also create a deterrent to businessmen who support Israel so that they no longer lend support to Israel. Their support is among those used to brutally murder the Palestinian population.

Baca Juga

“If Israel's attacks on Palestinians are not stopped, then this movement of boycotts of products supporting Israel by Indonesian Muslims could last a long time. Of course, we hope that the war is completed quickly so that it does not have a long impact on companies that support Israel, including those in Indonesia,” Ahmad Kusyairi Suhail told Republika on Friday (8/12/2023).

Kusyairi confirmed Ikadi's stance in the boycott movement of products from companies supporting Israel is guided by the MUI Fatwa as the home of Muslims. He said the Ikadi scholars socialize the MUI Fatwa through studies and various other activities as well as using various other media.

“Because Ikadi considers what our brethren in Gaza Palestine experienced, it is no longer a war, because it has rules, regulations and ethics, it is really genocide, a humanitarian tragedy that cannot be tolerated, especially in the age of modern civilization. May this be part of Ikadi's contribution, albeit a small one, to be able to save the Palestinian nation and the way to achieve world peace, especially in the Middle East, and for Palestine to achieve its independence,” he said.

BACA JUGA: Ikuti Serial Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam di Islam Digest , Klik di Sini

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