Senin 18 Dec 2023 17:36 WIB

The Primacy of the Dawn Time

The Dawn Time has precedence.

Rep: Achmad Syalaby Ichsan/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
The Primacy of the Dawn Time. Photo: The atmosphere before the dawn prayer (illustration).
The Primacy of the Dawn Time. Photo: The atmosphere before the dawn prayer (illustration).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDINA -- The Prophet Muhammad knew dawn was a difficult time. A Muslim, if left alone, will choose to rest himself until sunrise and abandon Shubuh prayer. Therefore, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) specialized this noble prayer with unique features and certain attributes that are not repeated in other prayers.

“Whoever performs the prayer of dawn is in Allah's assurance. Therefore, do not seek Allah's assurance with anything (other than prayer), which when you get it, you will slip into the fire of hell.” (HR Muslim).

Baca Juga

Muhammad Abdur Rauf al-Munawi in his book At-Ta'arif says as-Subhu or As Sabah is the beginning of the day, which is when the horizon is red because it is covered by the sun. Sub-dawn prayer is a prayer service performed at dawn shidiq and ends at sunrise.

Many virtues are gained at dawn. One of the virtues is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed to his people who rushed in performing the dawn prayer, as mentioned in a hadith, “O Allah bless my people as long as they are happy to wake up at dawn.” (H.R. Tirmizd, Abu Daud, Ahmad and Ibn Majah).

If the Prophet prayed, there would be no hijab between him and Allah. Because he himself is the one who is physically closest to Allah. 

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