Rabu 20 Dec 2023 14:49 WIB

Why Should We Memorize the Quran?

Why should we memorize the Quran and keep it?

Student who memorizes Quran.
Foto: istimewa
Student who memorizes Quran.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- General Manager Daarul Qur'an, KH. Yusuf Mansur attended Tahfidz Graduation Event Pondok Pesantren Kaffah Al-Mundzirin, Lebak Murni Sako, Palembang. On this occasion, Yusuf Mansur conveyed motivation in front of the santri and the parents present.

Yusuf Mansur expressed his happiness with the achievement of the santri who successfully completed the memorization of the Qur'an. He is also proud of the massive movement of Qur'anic observance in South Sumatra, especially in the city of Palembang.

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“Why should we memorize the Quran and keep it? (For) the Quran will be incarnated into a beautiful creature, which will bear witness for us. Because it takes hundreds of times to memorize and a lifetime to keep it,” Yusuf Mansur said.

He also insisted on continuing to study the reading of the Quran. “What meeting are we most looking forward to? With the lead? Director? As Muslims there is no meeting most awaited than meeting Allah, hopefully this movement does not end until the end of time,” he concluded.

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