Selasa 20 Feb 2024 11:41 WIB

One-Round Elections Save IDR 40 Trillion

Muhadjir is reluctant to talk further about the quick count results.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
PMK Minister Muhadjir Effendy at Kemenko PMK Media Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/2/2024).
Foto: Republika/Ronggo Astungkoro
PMK Minister Muhadjir Effendy at Kemenko PMK Media Center, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/2/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Mujadjir Effendy said that if the general election (Election) runs only one round, it could save the budget up to Rp40 trillion.

“If we hope as I said, if only one round would be enough. So Rp40 trillion is quite large, so if given rice, maybe journalists all over Indonesia can spend a year without spending it,” Muhadjir said in Jakarta on Monday.

Baca Juga

The election period for the election of presidential and vice presidential candidates to the legislature has been completed. From a variety of pollsters' quick count results, one of the pairs is predicted to win one round. Although the election is likely to run one round, Muhadjir is reluctant to talk further about the results of the quick count until the announcement of the official determination from the Election Commission (KPU).

”Right, the reference is not a quick count, not a survey, but later at the time when the Commission officially announces it,” he said. According to him, the government is ready to prepare funds if the election should be held two rounds. The Ministry of Finance already marks the budgets of each ministerial/agency. “So later if there is a second round, the budget will be used, indeed, usually later there will be data on the state budget changes, right, yes. But then it would be better not to change,” he said. According to him, if the one-round election is held, then the budget can be diverted to community social funds to tackle extreme poverty.” Then fiscal risks can also be reduced, and then the investment climate will also be more likely to be more conducive than if there had to be a second round and so on,” he said.

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