Selasa 07 May 2024 22:15 WIB

Nahdlatul Wathan Builds Headquarters and Boarding School at IKN

Nahdlatul Wathan headquarters and boarding school stands on 11 hectares of land.

Illustration of Nahdlatul Wathan activities.
Foto: Republika/ Fauziah Mursid
Illustration of Nahdlatul Wathan activities.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Nahdlatul Wathan Organization (PBNW) built a headquarters and boarding house in the capital of Nusantara in Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.

General Chairman of NW TGKH Lalu Gede Muhammad Zainuddin Atsani said the construction of PBNW Headquarters and ponpes at IKN on an area of 11 hectares.

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“In addition to the headquarters, ponpes named Darul Hamzanwadi Wannawawi Nahdlatul Wathan and Nahdlatul Wathan College Building are also being built,” he said in a written statement received in Mataram on Monday.

Arget completion of the construction of the NW Office was completed before the president officially took office at IKN.

“The office of PBNW must already be able to be occupied before the president takes office in IKN,” he said.

The construction of PBNW Offices and Ponpes is expected to be one of the largest boarding houses in IKN.

The construction of PBNW Offices and Ponpes as well as NW University was marked by the first stone laying by PBNW General Chairman TGKH Lalu Gede Muhammad Zainuddin Atsani.

The event was also attended by all PBNW managers in the period 2024-2029 and the leadership of Nahdlatul Wathan Region (PWNW) managers throughout Indonesia on Sunday (5/5).

Director of Basic Services of IKN Authority Suwito welcomed the real action taken by Nahdlatul Wathan organization to support the program of accelerating the development of IKN.

“The IKN authority will give full support to the real initiation already done by Nahdlatul Wathan at IKN,” he said.

Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) is an Islamic mass organization from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The organization was founded on 1 March 1953 by TGKH Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid. NW has madrasahs and several colleges spread across NTB.

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