Rabu 29 May 2024 00:01 WIB

Call Center PPDB Cannot Be Contacted, Disdik DKI Jakarta Apologizes

Disdik DKI Jakarta Promises to Evaluate PPDB Implementation Services

Rep: Bayu Adji Prihammanda/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Teacher serving parents of students applied for creation of New Student Admissions (PPDB) account.
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Teacher serving parents of students applied for creation of New Student Admissions (PPDB) account.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The call center (call center) service for Admission of New Learners (PPDB) with DKI Jakarta 2024 is highlighted because it cannot be contacted. This was revealed when Commission E of DKI Jakarta Provincial Parliament held a meeting with the Education Department (Disdik) of DKI Jakarta Province on Monday (27/5/2024).

Deputy Head of DKI Jakarta Provincial Directorate Purwosusilo expressed his apologies for the service that has not been maximized in the implementation of the Admission of New Learners (PPDB) 2024. He promised to conduct an evaluation of PPDB implementation services.

Baca Juga

“Yes, I'm sorry if in the seconds today it turned out to be unsatisfactory. Ugly, well, for me,” he said on Monday.

He claimed to have conducted an evaluation on the existence of PPDB call center services that could not be reached. He has also called on his ranks in service tribes and education units to be responsive in providing service.

“It's a concern. We have told friends in Sudin, in all posts and all educational units for responsiveness related to requests for explanations or help from the community,” Purwosusilo said.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of Commission E of DKI Jakarta Provincial Parliament Elva Fahri Qolbina admitted that she had tried to contact some PPDB call center services. However, there are a number of call center services that are not active.

“I tried the PPDB information service earlier. I tried that Jakarta Pusat SMKN 1 has a phone and WhatsApp,” he said in a meeting on Monday (27/5/2024).

He also tried to call the call center service in front of the meeting participants. However, the call center could not be reached.

“Can't be contacted sir. Here's the number, sir. This is SMKN 1, both of them cannot be contacted,” he said.

Elva also tried PPDB call center numbers for the Central Jakarta area 2. The phone number is called Connected. However, no one picked up those phone calls.

Therefore, he asked the Provincial Directorate of DKI Jakarta to resolve the technical issue. Because, the technical affairs will make it easier for the public to find out information related to PPDB.

“Sometimes we get stuck in technical matters. Substantive and others are okay, the spirit is okay, but technically it is sometimes very weak,” Elva said.

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