Rabu 10 Jul 2024 08:04 WIB

The Story of Samson in Islam

Samson was Sham'un al-Ghazi, a prophet of Allah.

Rep: Hasanul Rizqa/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
(Representation) The Prophet of Shamoon or Samson.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) always delivered the treatises of Allah. To his people, he always reminded that “Laa ilaaha illa Allah”, no one has the right to worship but Allah. Meanwhile, the influence of Roman pagan culture led many people to worship idols.

God gave this Prophet a miracle like the Prophet David, that is, he was able to soften iron. He was also able to tear down tall buildings. However, no one was his follower, including the Children of Israel. For at that time people only wanted to follow the rich, not the mighty.

Prophet Sham'un did not give up. He also continued to preach. Finally, the leaders of the Bani Israel began to worry. They agreed not to fight the Prophet Sham'un directly, let alone with violence, because they would definitely lose.

Then, they approached the wife of the Prophet Sham'un secretly. This woman was known for being extravagant and easily bribed with large amounts of wealth.

"O woman, do you know that your husband has made us worried?" asked a Bani Israel figure who was usually called 'king.'

“Know, King,” he answered

"I have an offer for you. "If you can find out your husband's weakness, and succeed in making him weak, we will give you lots of jewellery, gold and jewels," said the King.

"Yes King, I am ready," answered Sham'un's wife.

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