Selasa 20 Aug 2024 07:53 WIB

Bahlil Lahadalia Single Candidate for Golkar General Chairperson, Ridwan Hisyam Failed

The file of candidates on behalf of Ridwan Hisyam is declared incomplete.

Rep: Bambang Noroyono/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Bahlil Lahadalia became the sole candidate for Golkar.
Foto: Republika/M Fauzi Ridwan
Bahlil Lahadalia became the sole candidate for Golkar.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Election Committee for the General Chairman of the Golkar Party has only passed Bahlil Lahadalia as the candidate for the general chairman in the Extraordinary National Consultation (Munaslub). The name of Ridwan Hisyam who also registered as a candidate for general chairman was declared ineligible in the verification process.

Ridwan's fall, makes Bahlil the sole candidate in the election for the general chairman of the Golkar Party that will be held in the munaslub on Tuesday (20/8/2024) and Wednesday (21/8/2024).

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Chairman of the Steering Committee Munaslub Adies Kadir said that initially the election committee received two names that registered as future candidates for general chairman. “The two who signed up, are brother Ridwan Hisyam, and Bahlil Lahadalia,” Adies said at the Golkar Party DPP in Slipi, Jakarta, Monday (19/8/2024). The

registration of the future candidates for the general chairman, is open all day from the afternoon, until the evening at ten o'clock. After both register, the selection committee examines the files and requirements of each registrant. From the examination of the files and the requirements, Adies said, Ridwan Hisyam was found not to meet the requirements.

“Based on the results of the verification of the dossier and the requirements of the prospective candidates, the prospective candidate file in the name of Ridwan Hisyam was declared incomplete, and did not meet the requirements,” Adies said. “The registration file for the future candidate Bahlil Lahadalia is declared complete and meets the requirements,” Adies said.

Adies said that of the seven requirements to be a candidate for general chairman, Ridwan did not meet two requirements. Especially related to the support of the voting owners at the DPD I and DPD II levels. As for Bahlil, Adies said, in the verification process pocketed the full requirements.

Includes written letters of support from 469 out of 558 voting owners in provinces, counties, and cities. “The amount of support is as much as 83 percent,” Adies said.

Due to this result, Adies said, Ridwan's dismissal in the process of verifying the files and requirements, made Bahlil the only future general chairman candidate to be nominated to Golkar's 11th Munaslub.

“The Steering Committee through the election committee announced only one candidate, in the name of Bahlil Lahadalia,” Adies said.

Bahlil Lahadalia's single name as the future general chairman candidate, will be assigned to the munaslub. Adies said that despite only highlighting one name, the decision on whether the election of the general chairman will be carried out by acclamation or the other, is left entirely within the forum of the munaslub. “You can accept it later, you can't. Depends on the owner of the vote in munas,” Adies said.

Golkar Party will hold Munaslub on Tuesday (20/8/2024), and Wednesday (8/21/2024). The Munaslub is the party's highest forum to elect a new general chairman. The title, which was originally held in December 2024, was suddenly advanced faster due to the decision of Airlangga Hartarto who resigned as general chairman, on Sunday (11/8/2024).

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