Sabtu 14 Sep 2024 00:47 WIB

SOE Affirms Commitment to Implement ESG

SOEs have 13 provisions to follow regarding governance.

Rep: Eva Rianti/ Red: Budi Raharjo
Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of Ministry of SOE Fahrudin during ESG Summit activity at BEI building, Thursday (12/9/2024).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of Ministry of SOE Fahrudin during ESG Summit activity at BEI building, Thursday (12/9/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Ministry of state-owned enterprises expressed its commitment to continue applying environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles as an effort to realize sustainability goals. The social and governance aspects are judged to have been sufficiently maximised, while the environmental aspects still face a number of challenges.

Assistant Deputy for Social and Environmental Responsibility of the Ministry of SOE Fahrudin explained that the commitment in implementing ESG is reflected in the goals of the SOE itself. The Ministry of state-owned enterprises is known to have two main objectives, namely agent of value creator and agent of development.

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On the agent of value creator side, SOEs are designed to provide value, both for stakeholders and governments always owners of business entities. It was clustered for SOEs that had high competition, such as in banking and telecommunications ventures.

While on the agent of development side, SOEs meet the needs of society or industry that cannot be met. So that people's needs become met, especially those that then have an impact on better economic growth.