Selasa 24 Sep 2013 23:23 WIB

Analyst: Indonesia needs specific policy over illegal immigrant

Rep: Bilal Ramadhan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesia usually becomes an entry point before illegal immigrants reach Australian territory (map)
Indonesia usually becomes an entry point before illegal immigrants reach Australian territory (map)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Observer of International Law from University of Indonesia, Hikmahanto Juwana said Indonesia should establish specific policy to facilitate illegal immigrants who made Indonesia as transit point before heading to Australia.

"Government needs a plan to facilitate them to get to Australia safely," Juwana said recently.

Juwana added that those asylum seekers and refugees became a problem for Indonesia. He said that detaining them meant to violate human right of asylum seekers and refugees since they did not against any Indonesian immigration laws.

He said the presence of UN refugee agency (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Indonesia only attracted more asylum seekers and refugees.

Meanwhile the new Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbot plans to visit Indonesia. Juwana suggested that government should tell the prime minister that Indonesia has commitment to respect human rights and safety of asylum seekers and refugees who wish to go to Australia.

Juwana criticized the statement of Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop that her country did not need Indonesian approval to tackle immigrant problem. 

"Bishop's statement shows unfriendly approach to Indonesia," Juwana said. 

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