Sabtu 07 Dec 2013 00:11 WIB

World Museum Vienna has 12 thousand Indonesian collections

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/Antara/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Salah satu keris asal Lombok (ilustrasi)
Salah satu keris asal Lombok (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG - Weltmuseum Wien (World Museum Vienna), formerly was known as Museum of Ethnology Vienna collects about 12 thousand collections from various region in Indonesia. Weltmuseum Wien's Curator for Southeast Asia, Jani Kuhnt-Saptodewo said that the oldest artifact aged around 17th century.

"All collections are cared for properly. Wayang Klitik is the oldest puppet of 17th century. Jatilan (a glass painting) and Klutuk (a masked dance of Magelang) also become our collection," Kuhnt said recently.

Other museum collections, such as keris (Indonesia's dagger), looms, pans, spoons, suspender ship, wicker baskets, ceramics and cooking utensils. These all come from Kalimantan, Maluku, Java, Bugis and Lampung.

All Indonesian collections in World Museum Vienna are part of gifts from collector to Emperor of Austria. Indonesian popular painter, Raden Saleh ever gave 43 objects, such as small statues to Emperor of Austria.

People of the world who watched Indonesian collections at museum gave their appreciations. They were amazed and could understand various objects of indonesian collections, which are no longer collected in Indonesia.

Museum collections from various island in Southeast Asia reached 20 thousand objects, while from various countries reached 300 thousand objects, such as from Japan, China, Tibet, North Africa, Brazil and Indonesia.

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