Rabu 12 Feb 2014 17:15 WIB

UN gets 'positive responses' to climate change

Red: Julkifli Marbun
 If the Arctic ice melts due to climate change, Indonesia is potentially affected. (illustration)
Foto: en.wikipedia.org
If the Arctic ice melts due to climate change, Indonesia is potentially affected. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon said here Tuesday that he has received positive responses from world leaders to the climate change summit scheduled for Sept. 23 at the UN Headquarters in New York.

"I'm receiving many positive responses and support from world leaders" to the September summit, Ban told a small group of UN- based correspondents, voicing hope that the world leaders will demonstrate their political commitment to the ambition on climate change.

As part of a global effort to mobilize global action on climate change, the secretary-general is inviting heads of state and government along with business, finance, civil society and local leaders to the climate change summit in September.

"The climate summit meeting, which I am going to convene on Sept. 23, will be a big moment," said the UN chief, who has listed climate change as one of his priorities since he took office in January 2007.