Rabu 19 Mar 2014 11:31 WIB

7 workers killed of inhaling toxic gas in S.India

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: [ist]

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW DELHI -- At least 7 workers were killed Tuesday of inhaling toxic gas while cleaning a septic tank in Tamil Nadu, Souther State of India, according to local newspaper.

The reports of the accident showed that these workers were called to repair a faulty pump in an effluent tank in a mill's dyeing unit. The person who went inside to check the pump immediately lose his conscious, while others who climbed down after him also died. Until now, seven workers were killed of inhaling toxic gas.

There were seven other workers taken to hospital, who also sucked in the poision gas and their life were in danger, added the reports.

According to a senior Indian offical, there was toxic gas inside the tank which leaded to all the workers' death.

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