Ahad 03 May 2015 19:53 WIB

MER-C volunteers and Wanadri will help Nepal’s earthquake victims

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Mardiah

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Philantrophy institute Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C) in collaboration with the organization of outdoor activities (Wanadri) to send a team of volunteers to the location of the earthquake in Nepal.

"The team will be divided into two phases of departures," explained Operations Manager MER-C Rima Manzanaris in a release on Sunday (3/5).

The first team consists of nine people with medical expertise and SAR, namely Saleh Sudradjat (Team Leader), dr. Hadiki Habib, SpPD (Deputy Team Leader), dr. Ratih Citra Sari, Rita Elseria Tambunan, Islamiah Samaun , Purwasunu Adriansyah, Rohmat Sukarman, Dada Mokhamad Rizal, and WiDi Kusnadi Sunardi. Meanwhile, the second team is the Surgery team with the expertise multispecialty will depart following the disaster location.


First Team MER-C and Wanadri will leave for Nepal on Monday (4/5) at 4:40 pm by Malaysia Airlines. The team will be twice transit in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Dhaka (Bangladesh) prior to landing in Kathmandu (Nepal). The team is scheduled to arrive in Nepal at 12:50 local time.


MER-C First Team and Wanadri's target work areas is outside the city of Kathmandu. "It is based on the consideration that in Kathmandu city is estimated to have a lot of help and volunteers are working," said Rima.

The team will look for other worst affected areas outside the capital city of Nepal's remote and still not affordable even minimal medical assistance.


As the First Team, a task team includes assessment (assessment) current conditions in the field, to treatment with mobile clinic system and Search Rescue. Treatment with mobile clinic system is considered effective to be able to reach quake victims in remote areas that have not received medical assistance.

Another important task carried the first team is preparing for the arrival of Surgery Team, namely the identification of victims who require surgery and are looking for a hospital or a place that can still be used to perform an operation for the earthquake victims.

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