Senin 04 May 2015 13:34 WIB

Sudan suits againts UN mission over charges of killing civilians

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: [ist]

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KHARTOUM -- After about a week of exchanged statements between Sudan government and the UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), Khartoum filed lawsuits accusing the mission of killing civilians in Darfur.

The Sudanese authorities said recently that they have decided to file criminal suits against the UNAMID which Khartoum accused of killing seven civilians at Kass locality in Sudan's South Darfur State, while the mission said it was in a state of self-defense.

Amid the contradictive statements about what has happened, analysts say tensions are mounting between the two sides which opens the door before all possibilities.

Abdalla Hassan, a Sudanese political analyst, told Xinhua that "the recent confrontation between Sudan and UNAMID came after a series of events and accusations directed by Khartoum to the mission starting with violation of mandate, rape accusations, supporting anti-government protests and ending with accusations of killing civilians."