Selasa 09 Jun 2015 16:23 WIB

Titiek Puspa's 'Envoy of Love' enthralls Londoners

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Titiek Puspa
Foto: Yogi Ardhi / Republika
Titiek Puspa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Famous Indonesian singer and songwriter Titiek Puspa and her children's vocal group called "Duta Cinta" (Envoy of Love) entertained Londoners during "Hello Indonesia" cultural event held at Trafalgar Square, here, Sunday (June 7).

"I truly admire the performance of the "Duta Cinta" children's vocal and dance group," Colin Munsie, an Australian architect who lives in London, told Antara.

"Hello Indonesia" cultural event was initiated by Usya Soeharjono, the owner of "Nusa Dua" Indonesian restaurant in London.

Deputy Mayor of London Sir Edward Lister officially inaugurated the event aimed at promoting closer bilateral relations between Britain and Indonesia.