Ahad 20 Dec 2015 12:37 WIB

UNSC reiterates concern about escalation of violence in Burundi

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: afp

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK -- United Nations Security Council on Saturday reiterated its deep concern about the continuing escalation of violence in Burundi, and the increased cases of human rights violations and abuses.

The council is also concerned about the persisting political impasse and the attendant serious humanitarian consequences, according to a statement issued by the council to the press.

The 15-member body condemned all acts of violence and the persistence of impunity, as well as of the inflammatory statements made by Burundian political leaders.

It also strongly condemned the attacks carried out against military barracks in Bujumbura and in Bujumbura Rural, as well as the alleged summary executions perpetrated in the aftermath of the attacks, while underscoring the importance of holding those committing such acts accountable.

Waves of violence persisted after the re-election of President Pierre Nkurunziza, whose announcement in April to contest for a third term, stirred up protests. The opposition and civil society groups opposed his candidature, arguing that the Arusha Agreement stipulated that a president serves for only two terms.

According to media reports, Burundi's government has rejected African Union's decision to deploy a 5,000-strong peacekeeping force to curb ongoing violence in the troubled country, saying it will prevent foreign troops from entering its borders.

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