Selasa 17 Jan 2012 13:45 WIB

MUI: Avoid any harsh treatment towards Shiites

Ketua MUI Ma'ruf Amin
Foto: Antara
Ketua MUI Ma'ruf Amin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), Ma'ruf Amin, warns public to avoid any harsh treatment on Shiites, regardless to MUI's decision on their teachings. "We ask the government to handle this issue, in order to protect Shiites from harsh treatment even when the MUI considers their teaching is infidel," he said on Monday.

Meanwhile, the MUI are still reviewing and analyzing on Shiite's teaching. The organization has not yet supported "fatwa" -or religious verdict- made by MUI in Sampang, Madura, which considered Shiite was infidel. 

The MUI will depart from three points, namely the concession in MUI’s national meeting in 1984 about main differences between Sunni and Shiite, literature study, and field study.  

“If their religious practices are against our principles, then we consider the Shiite followers have gone astray,” Ma’ruf added. 

sumber : Antara
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