Selasa 31 Jan 2012 16:29 WIB

Zakat Eases Poverty

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
People who live below poverty line in Jakarta increase 3.75 percent to 363,000 people in 2011, from 312.000 people a year earlier.
Foto: Republika/Aditya Pradana Putra
People who live below poverty line in Jakarta increase 3.75 percent to 363,000 people in 2011, from 312.000 people a year earlier.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The utilization of zakat -or charity- optimally by Zakat Administrator Organization (OPZ) eases poverty by 21.11 percent. The conclusion is sorted by Indonesia Zakat and Development Report (IZDR) 2012 in its release, Indonesia Magnificence of Zakat (IMZ).

The polling was conducted to 16 OPZ from April to October 2011 with total population of 10.086 households. They spread in five regions, Jabodetabek, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, East Kalimantan, and Padang. One of the researcher, Irfan Syauqi Beik, said, the data has emerged the fact that the utilization of zakat could ease the number of mustahiq –or charity recipients.

“It covers the degree of severity and poverty,” Beik said in Jakarta, Monday. He added, the research was added with new investigation, the time span needed for impoverished household to escape from poverty. Zakat managed properly can effectively eradicate poverty.

The decrease of the poverty without zakat could take at least seven years. With zakat, it was 1.9 year faster. “The exact time span is five years one month and 12 days,” he added. The fund required to help the household per month is 318,000 IDR.

Another researcher, Hendri Tandjung, claimed, the existence of OPZ in Indonesia was quite good. It is concluded from the polling to 180 OPZ from October to December 2011. The fund, infaq, and alms have been increasing.

In 2010, the amount collected was 727 billion IDR, compared to 629 million IDR in 2009. From the fund, he found the fact that the utilization of the fund mainly still for consumptive patterns, such as foods, clothes, shelters, health, education, and infrastructure development. The implementation of consumptive fund in 2010 reached 71 percent and in productive pattern such as economic activity reached 29 percent. 



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