Ahad 26 Nov 2023 09:40 WIB

Why does anyone feel their life is hard? This is the Answer of the Quran and the Hadith

There are a number of reasons why the life of a Muslim is difficult.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Why does anyone find their life difficult? This is the answer to the Quran and the Hadith. Photo: poverty in a big city (illustration)
Foto: google.com
Why does anyone find their life difficult? This is the answer to the Quran and the Hadith. Photo: poverty in a big city (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Some people may find it hard to live. The answer to the question of why he is struggling with his life is certainly in him. For animals, as creatures without reason, are provided with sustenance. Especially a Muslim.

Allah (swt) said: “And there is no living beast in the earth except Allah who provides its sustenance, and He knows where the beast dwells and where it is kept. Everything is written in the real Book (Lauh mahfuzh).” (QS Hud Verse 6).

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There are a number of reasons why the life of a Muslim is difficult. The first is lack of piety. Allah (swt) said: “If the inhabitants of the countries believed and feared, We would have bestowed upon them blessings from heaven and earth, but they denied them (Our signs), then We will punish them for their deeds.” (QS Al-A'raf Verse 96)

Second, don't mean it in prayer. In the historical hadith of Abu Dawud, one day the Prophet Muhammad entered the mosque and found Abu Umamah alone and looking anxious and distressed. He told the Apostle, “Anxiety and debt weigh on me.” Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught him about prayer in order to avoid bad things.