Jumat 31 May 2013 19:32 WIB

Indonesian kindergarten in Gaza graduates 160 students

Rep: Heri Ruslan/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Taman Kanak-Kanak Bintang Qur’an (TK Bintang Qur’an) di Jalur Gaza Palestina
Foto: abdillah onim
Taman Kanak-Kanak Bintang Qur’an (TK Bintang Qur’an) di Jalur Gaza Palestina

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA - Stars of Al-Quran, an Indonesian kindergarten school in Gaza, Palestine graduated 160 students last week. Those graduates were students who passed the second year. 

"Students attending the kindergarten are dominated by poor families and orphans. They cannot afford the monthly fee as much as 70 thousand IDR," an Indonesian volunteer to Gaza, Abdillah Onim, said on Friday.

Donation to Stars of Al-Quran was entirely built from the scratch by Indonesian people under coordination Sahabat Alaqsa, Assarra Foundation, and a local NGO in Gaza, Salam Foundation. At the beginning, Onim said the kindergarten was threatened to be closed. It took a great effort to maintain the school. 

Stars of AL-Quran becomes the first kindergarten in Gaza with affordable fee for poor children and orphans. The children at the school now can go to school free of charge and receive free books, bags and school uniforms. And now the school is facing new problem: they must find a new building since the current building will be renovated by its owner. 

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