Kamis 24 Oct 2013 18:26 WIB

Aceh urged to develop sharia-based economy

A bank teller in Mandiri Sharia deals with a customer in Jakarta. Government plans to establish a state owned sharia bank. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
A bank teller in Mandiri Sharia deals with a customer in Jakarta. Government plans to establish a state owned sharia bank. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- A cleric from Consultative Assembly of Ulema (MPU) of Aceh expected the application of Islamic law in Aceh province to become a milestone for sharia-based economic development.

"In a province with Islamic law, all economic activities, governance and social organisations should be based on Islamic value," Chairman of the MPU, Ghazali Mohd Sham said in a workshop for clerics and governmental officials in Banda Aceh, on Thursday (24/10).

He explained that Islamic law is not merely discussing the dimensions of worship, munakahah, siyasah and jinayah but also includes muamalah issues.

"It means, Islamic law must be reflected in every activity that takes place in [the province which called as] the Veranda of Mecca," he said .

He added that, historically, people in the province have applied Islamic economic system to develop local economies.

"The system still adopted by local people. That is to avoid riba (interest)," he said.

In terms of local wisdom, there are several examples of economic system which still exist in Aceh. For instance, he said, gala for pawnshops, mawah for capital goods given to someone else to run a business, ngui for borrowing one item in accordance with the agreement of both parties and utang for debt.

Therefore, he said, it is hoped that the workshop would become a momentum for comprehensive assessment of various application of sharia-based economic system in this province of Aceh.

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