Rabu 20 Nov 2013 11:07 WIB

Minister of Religious Affairs to launch 27 thousand Islamic education websites

Rep: Mursalin Yasland/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
jambore nasional afkn didik santri berkarakter
Foto: dok.afkn
jambore nasional afkn didik santri berkarakter

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Ministry of Religious Affairs in cooperation with Minister of Communication and Information would launch 27 thousand Islamic education websites throughout boarding school (Pondok Pesantren) in Indonesia. It is expected to reduce negative websites that are easily accessible to public.

"The two ministries will launch 27 thousand websites in 27 thousand Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia in near future," Director of Directorate for Religious Education and Pondok Pesantren ini Ministry of Religious Affairs, Mamad Salamad said recently.

Islamic education websites would contain many messages of Islam. Internet world can be accessible for Islamic learning. Ministry of Communication and Information would help it technically, while Ministry of Religious Affairs prepared the content. So, all Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia could have their websites.

Islamic boarding school had main role to transfer science, sustainable education development, also as producer of Muslim scholars in Indonesia. Unlike public schools which could not be relied to produce an Islamic teacher. 

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