Senin 03 Aug 2015 16:52 WIB

Jokowi: We have to fight for Palestinian independence

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
President Joko Widodo
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAKASSAR -- President Joko Widodo invites Indonesian Muslims and particularly Muhammadiyah to be united in supporting Palestinian Independence.

“As a largest Muslim population country in the world, we must have courage to fight for the liberation of Palestine and take a position as a moderate force,” Jokowi said during his speech in Muhammadiyah 47th congress and a century of Aisyiyah commemoration.

Jokowi hopes that Muslims in Indonesia are not only united with other Muslims fellow, but also with all people, so we can form a powerful nation. Besides that, Muhammadiyah was asked to be an exemplary by bringing harmony in diversity.

“Muhammadiyah also has a responsibility as one of the largest social organization,” he added.

He was convinced Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah congress will be able to give a contribution to a number of challenges of the nation. The national struggle is still very long. Our nation will face a variety of challenges such as poverty, corruption, and drug abuse.

“I believe Muhammadiyah congress could be strength for the future of the nation. Muhammadiyah has an important role," Jokowi said.

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