Ahad 13 Sep 2015 12:43 WIB

Ministry to print Braille Quran in 2016

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Didik Suhartono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Religious Affairs planned to print braille Quran, intended for blind Muslims in Indonesia. Director General of Guidance Islamic society of Ministry of Religious Affairs, Machasin, said the program can not be realized this year due to lack time of preparation.

"This year, we (Ministry of Religious Affairs) is not ready and the printing company. Hopefully, next year it can be realized," said Machasin at the parliament building during a working meeting with the House of Representatives, Wednesday (9/9).

He explained that this year Ministry of Religious Affairs were trying to print the Braille Quran. However, because of having to go through the tender system, there must be rules to be prepared. One of the rule is a presidential decree, because the tender system involves private printing company.

For now, the blind persons can use the Quran from Saudi Arabia government. Namely, the Quran that can give voice after touched, not Braille Quran.

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