Jumat 25 Sep 2015 13:02 WIB
Insiden Mina

Three Indonesian pilgrims die in Mina accident, Minister confirms

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AFP

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MECCA -- Minister of Religious Affairs, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, ensured there were three Indonesian pilgrims died in hajj stampede in Arab Road 204, Mina. The accident occurred when the pilgrims were on the way to Jamarat to throw Jamrah, Thursday (24/9) morning.

He made sure that the three victims died in Al Jisr Hospital, Mina, on Thursday.

"Yes. There are three pilgrims who died, two of them have been identified, one was in the identification process," Lukman explained.

The death victims who were already recognized, were Hamid Atwi Tarji Rofia (51 years old) from Surabaya fleet (SUB) 48, male, born in Probolingg 3rd May 1964, maktab 2, passport number B1467965, and Busyaiyah Sahel Abdul Gafar (50 years old) from Batam fleet (BTH) 14, maktab 1, passport number A2708446.

He admitted that these accident have caused considerable loss of life, reaching hundreds of people. However, mostly the victims were from the Arab region and Africa.

Based on the information from Head of Work Area of Mecca, Arsyad Hidayat, Saudi Road 204 was not the way passed by Indonesian pilgrims to the Jamarat. The majority of Indonesian pilgrims were directed to the King Fahd and Moasim Road.

"Maybe the Indonesian victims were lost or did not know the road. The road was intended for pilgrims from Egypt, Africa, and South Asia," he said.

Related victims who have not been identified, Lukman said the identity was a bit difficult to trace, because the victim was not using identity bracelets. The bracelets provided information, such as name, fleet and embarkation, and passport number.

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