Kamis 23 Jun 2016 21:51 WIB

Republika holds Ramadan evening meals with agents

Rep: Rr Laeny Sulistywati/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia daily newspaper Republika is one of the largest mass media in Indonesia. The role of the newsagents and the deliveryman are helped Republika can viewed by readers. Therefore, Republika cooperating with Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) held Ramadan evening meals (Iftar) with newsagent and deliveryman on Thursday (23/6).

This event is held by Republika every year.

"This activity can make us become close friend," one deliveryman Risnawan who attended the event, on Thursday.

Risnawan has been delivering newspapers since 1989. He thinks, in this event, he can share experience with other deliveryman. These event also reduce tension between deliveryman. He appreciated Republika have concern for the deliveryman and newsagent.

"Hopefully Republika can be better," he said.

He admitted, there are certain days which people prefer to read Republika. The readers will increase when Friday because Republika issued 'Dialog Jumat' (Friday dialogue).

Meanwhile an agent of Kelapa Gading, Mulyo Santoso said these events can maintain good ties between newsagent and Republika. Besides, he can share ideas with other agents.

When asked about sales of Republika daily newspaper, he claimed not decreased.

"Fixed sales," he said.

He has been become agent since 20 years ago. He acknowledged can sell nearly 200 Republika newspapers every day. He expected Republika can increase sales in future, although he recognize many people get information through online news. Being a news agent, he acknowledged there are good and bad experience. Knowing the news every day is become advantage for him. He added, being a newsagent can facilitate education for his kids.

''But when the rainy season happen, I should wrap the newspaper with plastic, rubber, because the readers do not want to know," Mulyo added.

He hoped, Republika intensify the strategy to boost sales. Because impossible just rely on deliveryman, newsagents.

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