Kamis 08 Dec 2016 16:42 WIB

MUI to publish fatwa for Muslims who wear Christmas accents

Rep: Nasih Nasrullah/Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Muslim who worked at the fast food restaurant at Banten wore reindeer antlers headband as part of her working suits ahead of Christmas.
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Muslim who worked at the fast food restaurant at Banten wore reindeer antlers headband as part of her working suits ahead of Christmas.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – In December, many companies and agencies in Indonesia dressed their staffs, including Muslim staffs, with Christmas accents. Mostly, they use Santa's hats, reindeer antlers headband or Santa's red and white suits. "The phenomenon usually bloom ahead of Christmas," Secretary of MUI Fatwa Commission, Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh said to Republika.co.id.

It raised a question and doubt among Muslims. What's the Islamic teachings says about dressing up like Christians? "MUI is reviewing the law of Muslim who use other religion properties," Asrorun said.

Asrorun said the study will produce a fatwa to answer several main topics. Firstly, it will explain the law of using the ornaments of other religions for the sake of working. Secondly, it will include some recommendations for the corporations that require Muslim employees to wear any religious ornaments. 

According to Asrorun, the study will also include a reaffirmation of the definition of religious tolerance, strengthening the meaning and practicing the mutual respect in the context of living in a nation and state. He hopes that the fatwa may answer the restlessness among the societies to strengthening the construction of religious tolerance and diversity of Indonesia without hurting the Muslims and making confusion on the attributes and rituals of the other religions.

Asrorun stated that the fatwa will be completed in the near future. “Most likely on this weekend or next week,” he said.

Previously, at the 212 rally on December 2, ustaz Bachtiar Nasir said Muslim workers should not be obligated to wear Christmas accents. Conversely, the non-Muslims workers also should not be obligated to wear turban nor hijab during Ramadhan and Eid ul Fitr. "This is the real meaning of tolerance," he explained.

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