Sabtu 28 Jan 2017 04:49 WIB

Rain of reports ensnare the habib

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Habib Rizieq Shihab was strangled with at least seven cases. He felt criminalized with that allegation.
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Habib Rizieq Shihab was strangled with at least seven cases. He felt criminalized with that allegation.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Rain of reports struck the head of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab. There were at seven cases with 13 reports ensnared the man who was born in Jakarta, August 24, 1965.

The first case emerged in October 2016. He was reported by the daughter of Indonesia's first president, Sukmawati Sukarnoputri. He allegedly did defamation against Pancasila. 

Sukmawati could not accept Rizieq’s statement in a lecture delivered in West Java. The speech was recorded in the video which was spread through a video sharing website, Youtube. Sukmawati considered Rizieq had insulted the honor and the dignity of the Indonesian proclaimer, Sukarno.

The report was registered with the number LP / 1077 / IX / 2016 / Bareskrim. He was reported on doing criminal offense in the form of desecration to the emblem and national symbol. He was charged on violating Article 154a of the Penal Code and/or Article 310 of the Penal Code and/or Article 57a in conjunction with Article 68 of Law no. 24 of 2009 on the Flag, Language, and the National Symbol and the National Anthem.

Also read:  Habib Rizieq to become suspect" href="" target="_blank">Anton Charliyan reveals the possibility of Habib Rizieq to become suspect

Responding the charge, Rizieq argued that the speech was related to his thesis while studying at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. It was titled 'The Effect of Pancasila to the Implementation of Islamic Law in Indonesia'.

Shortly after that, in December 2016, Rizieq again be reported by three groups or communities, namely the Interfaith Student-Youth Forum (Rumah Pelita), PMKRI, and Red and White Solidarity (SPI). The report from Rumah Pelita to Metro Jaya Police was received with the number LP / TB / 6422 / XII / 2016 / PMJ Ditreskrimsus dated on December 30, 2016. He was reported on the spread of hatred and racial speech and to divide the unity of Indonesia.

Rumah Pelita, PMKRI, and SPI reported the habib for insulting the Christian religion in his speech in Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, Sunday (25/12). In this case, Rizieq was subjected on violating the Article 165 of the Criminal Code and Article 156a of the Criminal Code, and Article 28 Paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 Paragraph 2 of the Law number 19 of 2016 on ITE.

On January 2017, a hundred members of Red and White Solidarity (SOLMET) reported Rizieq related his speech about the findings of hammer and sickle logo in the new Indonesian banknotes. The speech was uploaded on Youtube under the name by FPI TV at December 25, 2016. The report was made by Firmansyah and was accepted by the Integrated Police Service (IFMS) of Jakarta Metro Police with the report number LP / 125 / I / 2017 / PMJ / Dit.reskrimsus dated on January 10, 2017.

The Chairman of SOLMET, Sylver Matutina, said the report was made due to the spread of fake news with hatred consisting racial speech, as mentioned in the Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 of the Law number 19 in 2016 on the change of Law No. 11 of 2008 on information and transaction electronics (ITE).

Previously, similar report was made by the Anti-Defamation Young Intellectual Network (JIMAF). The report was compiled by Herdian and received by the IFMS of Metro Jaya Police with LP number 92 / I / 2017 / PMJ / Ditreskrimsus dated on January 8, 2017.

In only a week, on January 17, 2017, a citizen named Edy Soetono, reported Rizieq due to the video contents of the speech said "generals with hansip (civil defense force) brain" which was spread through Youtube. He regards it as the speech of hate speech.

The report was noted in the police report number LP / 193/1/2017 / PMJ / Ditreskrimsus dated on January 27, 2017. Rizieq was suspected on the abuse of Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 2 of the Law number 19 in 2016 on the amendments to the Law number 11 in 2008 about information and electronic transactions (ITE).

On January 25, 2017, the case of ‘campur racun’ which previously has been discontinued (SP3), was reopened due to a new report made by the coalition of Sundanese peole. The West Java Police Chief, Anton Charliyan said the coalition consisted of the members of the various elements of society.

He explained, ‘sampurasun’ was the pride of the Sundanese people and has been a hallmark. The jokes in his speech in 2015 in Purwakarta was deemed to have made the Sundanese people hurt.

On the same day, said Anton, Rizieq was also reported on a land grabbing case. He was reluctant to mentioned the groups who reported him. The disputed land was located in the area of ​​Mega Mendung, Bogor, near Rizieq’s house. "The land was owned by Perhutani with addresses in Bogor, in the area of Mega Mendung near his house," he said.

The latest report came from the Indonesian Democratic Defense Team (TPDI). He was reported related to the alleged death threat to pastors through a video circulating on social media. The legal advisor of TPDI, Nggiri Wangge Macarius, said the report was related to Rizieq’s speech which is considered as a form of intimidation to the other religious leaders. He was reported on the alleged crimes related to ITE, namely Article 29 and Article 24 paragraph 3 related to threats distributed via Youtube. The threat was given to all the clergy in Indonesia. It remains unclear whether the report would be accepted.


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