Kamis 09 Mar 2017 19:21 WIB

Why did Ansor youth movement rejects cleric Khalid Basalamah?

Rep: Rahmat Fajar, RR Laeny Sulistyawati/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat GP Ansor, H Yaqut Cholil Qoumas meyampaikan paparannya pada Dialog Pencegahan Faham Radikal Terorisme dan ISIS bagi Pemuda Ansor se- Jawa Tengah di Balai Diponegoro, Semarang, Kamis (28/4).
Foto: Republika/Bowo Pribadi
Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat GP Ansor, H Yaqut Cholil Qoumas meyampaikan paparannya pada Dialog Pencegahan Faham Radikal Terorisme dan ISIS bagi Pemuda Ansor se- Jawa Tengah di Balai Diponegoro, Semarang, Kamis (28/4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ansor Youth Movement (GP) Chairman, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has affirmed not repudiated cleric (ustaz) Khalid Basalamah to talk in recitation. However, Yaqut asked Basalamah not insulted other people's beliefs.

"Ok we were different, it's okay, you may to speak but please don't insult of what we used to do," Yaqut said to Republika.co.id, Wednesday (March 8).

Yaqut responded to the expulsion of Ustaz Basalamah in Gedangan, Sidoarjo, East Java by GP Ansor and Banser, Saturday (March 4). According to Yaqut, GP Ansor rejected Basalamah because he has insulted other people's beliefs.

Yaqut said no orders for GP Ansor's officials to expel Ustaz Basalamah. However, Yaqut believed all members of Ansor and Banser across Indonesia will have the same understanding. They would react if they see someone insulted NU's belief. Nevertheless, he claimed did the action according to the procedures.

"Of course the procedure, we talked with the organizers. Then we talked to the security forces to coordinate but when the security forces did not say anything when the committee violated what have been agreed, so we did something," Yaqut said.

Yaqut confirmed, GP Ansor will continue to keep unity in diversity (bhinneka) and integrity of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Yaqut also affirmed they did not prohibit anyone to preach but urged the cleric to convey it with polite manner.


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