Rabu 24 May 2017 04:15 WIB

Minister of Religious Affairs to monitor 77 spots of hilal

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ministry of Religious Affairs officers in South Sulawesi monitor the hilal (crescent). (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Abriawan Abhe
Ministry of Religious Affairs officers in South Sulawesi monitor the hilal (crescent). (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Ministry of Religious Affairs would held a discussion to decide when to start fasting or Ramadhan 1, 1438 H. The ministry to monitor 77 spots of hilal (crescent) in Indonesia. 

“In deciding the beginning of Ramadhan this year, the Ministry of Religious Affairs will monitor hilal in 77 spots in Indonesia,” said the Director of Islamic Affairs and Preaching of Ministry of Religious Affairs M. Thambrin in Jakarta yesterday. 

Thambrin said the discussion will be held in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Jakarta on 17.00 pm. It will be attended by the leaders of community organizations, Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives, the representatives of 22 countries, and a number of Islamic figures. 

it will be started by a pre-discussion, by a presentation of hilal position in the beginning of Ramadhan 1438 H by hisab rukyat team of the ministry, Cecep Nurwendaya on 17.00 pm. 

After having a congregational Maghrib prayer together, the discussion will be opened by the Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, continued by a report of data hisab and rukyatul hilal by the director of Islamic Affairs and Sharia Coaching (Urais). The result of the discussion will be presented to public in a press conference. 

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