Kamis 23 Aug 2018 22:34 WIB

Islamic Studies International Conference to be held in Palu

Annual Islamic Studies International Conference will be held from Sept 17 to 20.

Rep: Ratna Ajeng Tedjomukti, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Ministry of Religious Affairs office, Jakarta.
Foto: Republika/Raisan Al Farisi
Ministry of Religious Affairs office, Jakarta.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director of Higher Education and Islamic Religion of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Arskal Salim said Palu, Central Sulawesi will host the 18th Annual Islamic Studies International Conference. The conference will be held on September 17 to 20.

“This is a routine activity to gather scholars and academic intellectuals in various state and private Islamic universities, both in Indonesia and abroad,” said Arskal on Wednesday (August 22).

Along with participants from Indonesia, scholars and intellectuals from Asia, Europe, America, Africa, and Australia will join the conference on Islamic studies. The 18th conference will discuss various topics in accordance with the major themes of Islam in Southeast Asia and the Global World: Text, Knowledge and Practice.

“Discussing Islam in Southeast Asia is very important because 25 percent of Muslims in the world are in Indonesia, in addition, the world's attention to Islam in the country is still small," Arskal explained.

Arskal expected the theme on the event to be global, so Islam can be on the top position in Southeast Asia. Two very interesting topics discussed in this conference are the dynamics of Islamic politics and Islamic economics.

Furthermore, Arskal said Bangladesh and Turkey had lagged before, but 10 years later, today, they are the most advanced and leading countries in the Middle East. The conference will consist of 60 panels with the target discussion participants of 400 paper presenters.

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