Kamis 08 Mar 2012 14:00 WIB

Oops… He allegedly bribes Taylor Kitsch!

Rep: Erik Purnama Putra/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Interrogation is a bonus if an official allegedly committed bribery. The disgrace act can even cause embarrassing to the nation and drag some controversies if the victim is a Canadian actor such Taylor Kitsch.   

Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights conducts the interrogation to the custom officer of Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali, identified as RE (28 years) who allegedly bribed Taylor Kitsch, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Amir Syamsuddin. “I have brought down the team to interrogate him,” he texted to Republika on Thursday.

Previously, the head of the Bali immigration office, Ida Bagus Komang Adnyana, said that based on an initial interrogation, RE did not commit such disgrace. “RE neither took nor touched the iPhone (Kitsch’s -ed). We will carry on with our works,” he said on Wednesday.

Adnyana presumes a misunderstanding between RE and Kitsch during the chat. In a talk show named “Late Show”, Kitsch said that the officer’s asking for his iPhone as a bribe. But RE said that he only commented on his iPhone by saying “You have a high-tech cell phone there”.

Kitsch had his passport examined by RE upon his arrival in Denpasar on February 1 after having arrived on Singapore Airlines flight. He returned home on February 11 and then he appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman on March 5.

Kitsch described how the customs officer threatened him to send him back to Japan, his port of origin, because he had run out of pages in his passport. Therefore, officer found it to put Indonesian immigration stamp.

Kitsch said to the officer that he was an actor who came to Indonesia to shoot his latest movie “Savage”. The officer did not believe he was an actor. The officer finally allowed him in after Kitsch showed him a trailer of “John Carter”, a movie which he starred, in his iPhone to prove that he was an actor.

On the “Late Show”, Kitsch quoted the officer that saying “Can you get me one of those?” Kitsch replied his remark by saying, “Can you let me in and I’ll give you one of these?”

This misfortune had also made Philippines got dragged in the turmoil. It was Letterman who asked Kitsch about his recent shoot for the Oliver Stone film “Savages”. The shoot was taken place in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, but Letterman failed to mention it. Instead, he mentioned the Philippines and Kitsch did not correct him. Suddenly the mishap stirred controversy in the Philippines.    





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