Selasa 13 Mar 2012 20:49 WIB

No foreigners for 19 Positions

Rep: Dwi Murdaningsih/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Foreigners are not allowed to sit in high positions in Indonesian company. (illustration)
Foreigners are not allowed to sit in high positions in Indonesian company. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Foreigners are not allowed to occupy 19 high positions in any Indonesian company, according to the Regulation of Minister of Manpower and Transmigration Number 40/2012 issued by the Minister Muhaimin Iskandar. The Regulation is issued on February 29, 2012 to anticipate the globalization of service and manpower sectors for the next five or ten years.

“The regulation is issued to prevent the vulnerability of industrial relationship, moreover if the foreign labors occupy the high position in Human Resources Division in the company,” the Minister said on Monday.

The regulation comes out as there is tendency of many companies prefer foreigners to sit in some essential positions. On other words, the regulation is to protects and enhance the competitiveness of Indonesian human resources.

The 19 positions are: 

-Chief executive officer 

-Personnel Director

-Industrial Relation Manager

-Human Resources Manager

-Personnel Development Supervisor

-Personnel Recruitment Supervisor

-Personnel Placement Supervisor

-Employee Career Development Supervisor

-Personnel Declare Administrator

-Personnel and Careers Specialist

-Personnel Specialist

-Career Advisor

-Job Advisor

-Job Advisor and Counseling

-Employee Mediator

-Job Training Administrator

-Job Interviewer

-Job Analyst

-Occupational Safety Specialist



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