Jumat 20 Apr 2012 20:00 WIB

Govt to import electricity from Malaysia

Rep: Sefti Oktarianisa/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
A gas power plant should be a good alternative to fossil-fuel power plant. (illustrattion)
Foto: Antara/Dedhez Anggara
A gas power plant should be a good alternative to fossil-fuel power plant. (illustrattion)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Government will import 50 megawatt electricity from Serawak, Malaysia. the import is considered as an effective measure to push back high production cost of state electricity company (PLN). The production cost is soaring due to the usage of fuel.

“The import will start in 2014. It will be conducted in five years to fulfill the electricity need in West Kalimantan,” the Director General of Electricity in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jarman, said, on Friday.

He said the import from Malaysia cut back up to 21 cent USD per kilowatt hour (kwh). Government usually buys 30 cent USD per kwh for fuel while Malaysia sells 9 cent USD per kwh for electricity.

“But it is just for temporary. We cannot depend on Serawak,” he said. PLN is allowed to import with the quota under the margin of electrical reserve in West Kalimantan.

The Director of PLN, Nur Pamudji, said the import would give the benefit to Indonesia and Malaysia. It also does not indicate that the electricity supply in Kalimantan is dragging. “The electricity from Malaysia will only use if the network in Kalimantan is disturbed,” he said. 




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