Kamis 05 Jul 2012 23:27 WIB

Indonesian animation goes International

Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesia's animation studios have started getting international projects. In 2009, Indonesia cinemas released
Foto: ayusa.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/w21.jpg
Indonesia's animation studios have started getting international projects. In 2009, Indonesia cinemas released "Meraih Mimpi", an adapted animated movie of Sing to the Dawn. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG - Indonesia's animation studios have started getting international projects, thanks to the capabilities of the country's animators, according to the Director of Electronics and Telematic Industries of the Ministry of Industry, Triharso. "For animation, some studios have accepted orders from the US, Japan and some European countries," he said on the sidelines of Indonesian Creative Industry Festival (Increfest) 2012 on Thursday.

Indonesian animators, he added, had even bagged Hollywood projects. "Domestic consumers should also support the products of local animators, so that the creative industry, especially film animation, will thrive in Indonesia," he stated. 

Triharso went on to say that Indonesian animators were better than their Malaysian counterparts. "The excellence of Indonesia can also be seen in the animation studios Indonesian animators are working in Malaysia. However, the Malaysia has given much more attention to its animation industry than Indonesia has," he noted.

Increfest showcased 21 products of creative industry professionals, who were selected as finalists in the animation, games and software categories, before the winners were presented with awards. The event also featured workshops. Triharso noted that Increfest was being held for third time and was part of the government's efforts to promote Indonesian creative products within the country. 





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