Ahad 19 Aug 2012 22:18 WIB

Tiger attacks employee of TSI to death

Rep: Satya Festiani/Gilang Akbar Prambadi / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Sumatran Tiger (illustration)
Foto: wwf.panda.org
Sumatran Tiger (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - An employee of Indonesian Safari Park (TSI), Junaedi (32 years), was found dead in the abyss of bushy cliff in the area of Tiger Exhibit on Friday night. He was attacked by Sumatran Tiger.

Many serious wounds were found in his head, chest, hands, and tights. The motif of the attack has not cleared yet. Working as a janitor for 10 years, he knew that the area was for the tigers.

Cisarua Police was still investigating the case by gathering the information from the witnesses. "The management of Indonesian Safari Park will give some information," the Head of Cisarua Police, Hadi Santoso, said on Saturday.

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