Kamis 25 Oct 2012 19:10 WIB

Indonesia 'terrorized' by climate change

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
After being used a commercial forest, the ecosystem of the forest in Jambi, Sumatra, is now being restored. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
After being used a commercial forest, the ecosystem of the forest in Jambi, Sumatra, is now being restored. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON, DC - Indonesia today is terrorized by climate change. Indonesia was in the front line, an Indonesian entrepreneur, Rachmat Gobel, said on Tuesday in US.

As the owner of Panasonic Gobel Indonesia, Gobel is also known for his campaign on green economy. He chairs an organization of renewable energy and promotes environmental friendly products.

Gobel said on the discussion at Center of Strategic for International Studies (CSIS) that the temperature in Indonesia had increased 0.3 degree Celcius since 1990. On contrary, the number of rainfall has jumped to 2-3 percent with lesser rainy days in a year.

"The condition makes Indonesia prone to flood and landslide," he said as reported by Nasihin Masha from Republika.

The rising of sea level is also alarming for Indonesia, since about 40 million people in Indonesia live along the coast lines. 

However, Indonesia is blessed with biodiversity. About 70 percent of its area is forest, a place where reptile, birds, fish, mammals, and more than 38,000 species live. The fact makes Indonesia is in the front line of environmental friendly policy, particularly after hosting a Conference of Climate Changing in Bali on 2007. Indonesia also has ratified Protocol Kyoto, symbolize as a goodwill gesture to reduce green house effects.

Indonesia also initiates the development of environmentally friendly in agriculture, especially on palm oil. As an archipelago country, Indonesia develops marine economy as well. 

Gobel added, most of gas emissions occurred due to deforestation and forest fire. Since 2011, Indonesia has National Act Plan on the decreasing of green house effects. The plan aims to reduce gas emissions up to 672 million tonnes on 2020.

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