Rabu 14 Nov 2012 20:15 WIB

McKinsey: Indonesia to be world's 7th largest economy in 2030

Rep: A Syalaby Ichsan/Esthi Maharani/Agus Raharjo/Satya Festiani / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Consistent economic growth helps the Indonesia’s advancement to be among the world's largest economy in 2030. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Andika Wahyu
Consistent economic growth helps the Indonesia’s advancement to be among the world's largest economy in 2030. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - McKinsey Global Institute predicts Indonesia will be the world's 7th largest economy in 2030. Indonesia would be a world champion, the Chairman of McKinsey Indonesia, Raoul Oberman, said on Tuesday.

Some factors, such as consistent economic growth, will help the country’s advancement. The six percent economic growth is not only centered in Java Island. The fact says that 90 percent cities outside Java are growing.

Another factor is non-oil and gas domestic consumption. Oberman advised Indonesia to develop four sectors in order to become world champion. The sectors are consumer services, agriculture and fisheries, energy and skills.

The Chairman of National Economic Committee, Chairul Tanjung, believes that Indonesia will be a developed country even though many underestimate Indonesian ability. He explained that Indonesian vision for 2030 was on the right track towards developed country.

Tanjung predicts that Indonesian income per capita in 2030 will be 18,000 USD. He said that Indonesia must focus on its skill, mainly on cultivating natural resources. Its geographical location and rich cultures also have high value. Indonesian booming population, high domestic consumption, as well as productive manpowers also support Indonesian economic growth.

Coordinating Minister of Economy Hatta Rajasa reminded that global economic threat still posed a challenge for Indonesia. US fiscal cliff affects its import policy. "The policy imposes China and India directly. It also affects Indonesia, but we still survive," Rajasa said.




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