Ahad 03 Feb 2013 23:30 WIB

Statistic Indonesia: Exports in 2012 down, imports up

Statistic Indonesia shows, only three sectors show some increases during 2012, The sectors mentioned ealier are engines/mechanical instruments, vehicles and their parts. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Dewi Fajriani
Statistic Indonesia shows, only three sectors show some increases during 2012, The sectors mentioned ealier are engines/mechanical instruments, vehicles and their parts. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia`s exports dropped 6.61 percent to 190.04 billion USD in 2012 from 203.5 billion USD in the year before, according to the Statistics Indonesia (BPS). Meanwhile Indonesian imports were up because oil/gas imports rose reaching 42.57 billion USD or 4.58 percent higher than before at 40.71 billion USD.

The country`s imports meanwhile rose 8.02 percent to 191.57 billion USD in the January-December 2012 period from 177.44 billion USD in the same period before, BPS chief Suryamin said on Friday. He said "both oil and gas and non-oil and gas exports declined last year (2012) to make total exports down. 

He said the country`s total oil/gas exports in 2012 reached 36.97 billion USD in value dropping by 10.86 percent compared to total oil/gas exports in 2011 that reached 41.48 billion USD, he said. 

Exports of non-oil/gas meanwhile declined by 5.52 percent from to only 152.07 billion USD from 162.12 billion USD before, he added. Suryamin explained that the drop in the oil/gas sector was driven by decreasing crude oil exports by 11 percent from 13.83 billion USD to 12.29 billion USD, a drop in the oil revenue by 12.93 percent from 4.77 billion USD to 4.16 billion USD.

The drop was also followed a decline in gas exports by 10.28 percent from 22.87 billion USD in 2011 to 20.52 billion USD in 2012, he said. In 2012 exports of seven out of 10 non-oil/gas commodities were down such as mineral fuels, fat and vegetable oil fat, machinery/electric equipment, rubber and rubber products, ore commodities, iron ash, paper and garments.

The data showed, export only increased on three non-oil/gas commodities namely engines/mechanical instruments, vehicles and their parts. "During the period of January-December 2012 exports of the 10 export commodities contributed 63.05 percent of total non-oil/gas exports," he said.

China remains the country`s biggest export destination with total exports to that country reaching 20.86 billion USD to contribute 13.63 percent of the country`s total exports. Japan was the second with total exports to that country recorded at 17.23 billion USD or 11. 25 percent of total exports, followed by the US with exports recorded at 14.59 billion USD, and India with exports at 12.45 billion USD.

Among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members Singapore meanwhile was recorded the biggest recipient of Indonesia`s exports reaching 10.56 billion USD, followed by Malaysia 8.47 billion USD and Thailand 5.49 billion USD.

The biggest exports to the European Union meanwhile went to Germany reaching 3.07 billion USD in value, followed by Britain at 1.7 billion USD and France at 1.13 billion USD.

"Overall Indonesia`s exports to almost all destination countries are down although in terms of volume they increased. The drop in the value of exports was caused by declining prices especially of CPO and mining commodities," he said.


The imports were up

Suryamin meanwhile said that imports were up because oil/gas imports rose reaching 42.57 billion USD or 4.58 percent higher than before at 40.71 billion USD.

Non-oil/gas imports were up 9.05 billion USD from 136.73 billion USD to 149.11 billion USD, he said. "The hike in the oil/gas imports was caused by increasing imports of oil products and gas respectively by 1.94 percent and 118.17 percent," he said.

The 10 non-oil/gas commodities that recorded the biggest hike in imports in 2012 are iron and steel products by 36.82 percent from 3.57 billion USD to 4.89 billion USD, aircraft and its parts by 31.39 percent to 4.4 billion USD, motor vehicles and their parts by 28.29 percent to 9.75 billion USD. Non-oil/gas commodities that recorded a drop in import are cereals from 4.75 billion USD to 3.71 billion USD.

He said most of the country`s non-oil/gas imports in 2012 came from China reaching 28.96 billion USD, followed by Japan 22.69 billion USD, the US 11.56 billion USD, Thailand 11.29 billion USD and Singapore 10.64 billion USD.

Other imports from South Korea valued at 8.3 billion USD, Malaysia at 6.32 billion USD, Australia at 5.07 billion USD, Taiwan at 4.2 billion USD, Germany at 4.18 billion USD, India at 4.02 billion USD, France at 1.89 billion USD and Britain 0.92 billion USD. "Total imports from the 13 countries reached 80.77 percent of the country`s total imports," Suryamin said.


sumber : Antara
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